In our continuing effort to openly and publicly offer opportunities to work with the Barrie Chamber of Commerce, we would like to offer the following RFP:
The Barrie Chamber of Commerce is issuing this tender for the service of providing multiple videos of our top three (3) award finalists in each of our categories. Videos will be taken on site, at the business location; or at the Chamber office where a location isn’t available. The Chamber will make every effort to group bookings to specific areas to reduce travel. There will be approximately 39 – 42, 1 minute videos.
The Chamber is issuing this request for proposal (“RFP”) for videographers that will include editing and branding into 13 – 14 individual videos (3 finalist segments each), with opening and closing segments.
An example of the 2022 Award Videos can be found here:
- Download the invitational tender criteria & requirements
- Submit the form below if you can meet or exceed the criteria
Request for Proposal #: BCC 2023-03
Our Gala will be held on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 at Liberty North with approximately 300 attendees. Membership within the Barrie Chamber of Commerce is considered an asset, but is not required. Only those whom we are interested will be contacted. Thank you for your time and proposal.
Deadline for proposals: Friday, July 14, 2023 at 11:59PM
This RFP is now closed and has been awarded to the winning bid. Thank you to everyone who submitted their quote.