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2024 Substance Use and Opioids Overdose Primer

Substance Use and Opioid Overdose Crisis Meeting

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce roundtable discussion with Hon. Michael A. Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions.

Beyond Emergency Declarations: Charting Ontario’s Course Through the Substance Use and Overdose Crisis

On May 23 2024, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce will release the second part of its mental health and addictions work, a primer titled “Beyond Emergency Declarations: Charting Ontario’s Course Through the Substance Use and Overdose Crisis”.


Several Ontario municipalities have declared states of emergency due to the escalating substance use and overdose crisis. This Ontario Chamber of Commerce policy primer unpacks the crisis’ wide-ranging impacts on Ontario businesses and communities and highlights different intervention approaches. The OCC’s goal is to frame the ongoing conversation about addiction management by simplifying the complex narrative surrounding substance use, bridging the knowledge gap among stakeholders and emphasizing the need for evidence based, community-informed solutions that prioritize public health principles, prevent mortality, and improve recovery outcomes.

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